Spartacus blood sand how many episodes
This clever plot twist is revealed to us after the deed is done, and the two remove each other's masks. We find that Lucretia had deceived Ilithyia, who she had grown to dislike, and wanted to keep Crixus for herself.
This bit of drama is further complicated by the fact that Ilithyia happens to be the wife of Glaber, who's essentially become the sworn enemy of Spartacus by this point. This episode has an 8.
In this episode, Spartacus is forced to participate in a fight that contains some special circumstances which add a creative twist to the standard face-offs. This battle is meant to play out as a reenactment of a historical Roman battle. The catch? The ex-Thracian warrior Spartacus must take on the role of a Roman consul known for slaying his own people, as he must fight six opponents dressed as his kin.
There is a certain emotional resonance with this unique scenario, and with the subplots; one of which focuses on the tragic separation between Pietros and his slain lover, a fellow gladiator named Barca.
Still, Spartacus' battle featured in this episode is pretty uneventful and lacking excitement. Even going against 6 foes, he's far better equipped and trained than his inept opponents, who are merely outmatched criminals pulled from the streets and tossed onto the arena, condemned to death. This episode has an 8 on IMDb. In "Shadow Games," Crixus and Spartacus are forced to team up and fight as a single, destructive unit in the arena, during Rome's anticipated Primus essentially the championships of Gladiatorial games.
Yet, the fact that Crixus and Spartacus fight at "cross-purposes" as he claims, and their general dislike towards each other, complicates this. There's also the frightening revelation that they'll have to square off against the brute Theokoles, who has never been defeated in battle. As the only man to have fought him and lived , Doctore trains the two in a fight for the ages. While the fight seems to go south quickly for our two heroes, they team up and overcome the massive obstacle standing in their way for glory.
This is partly thanks to a desperate, unorthodox tactic by Crixus. This episode is exciting from a visual standpoint and acts as a creative metaphor of "toppling the unbeatable giant," which will soon be Batiatus, and in some ways, Rome itself. It also foreshadows the two rivals, Spartacus and Crixus joining hands, which will prove crucial during their slave revolt.
The episode has an 8. Lucy Lawless Lucretia as Lucretia. Manu Bennett Crixus as Crixus. Daniel Feuerriegel Agron as Agron. Peter Mensah Doctore as Doctore …. Nick E. Tarabay Ashur as Ashur. Viva Bianca Ilithyia as Ilithyia. Liam McIntyre Spartacus as Spartacus. Pana Hema Taylor Nasir as Nasir …. Cynthia Addai-Robinson Naevia as Naevia. Dustin Clare Gannicus as Gannicus.
Heath Jones Donar as Donar. Katrina Law Mira as Mira. Ellen Hollman Saxa as Saxa. Barry Duffield Lugo as Lugo. Kelvin Taylor Kraynos as Kraynos. John Hannah Batiatus as Batiatus. Craig Parker Glaber as Glaber …. Steven S. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit.
The inspiration behind this series is the Thracian Gladiator Spartacus, who led a slave uprising against the Roman Republic. The Thracians had been persuaded by Claudius Glaber to serve as auxiliaries in the Roman legions in a campaign against the Getae, who had often plundered Thracian lands. Batiatus breaks the news that Spartacus is to service the richest woman. Spartacus and Crixus are set up to fight in an exhibition match for.
Spartacus hovers on the brink. Meanwhile, Batiatus plots revenge. Lucretia and Batiatus await the arrival of Glaber with the intentions. Spartacus' fury culminates in the stunning season finale.
Torn from his homeland and the woman he Start watching now. Series Info. Season 1. Meanwhile, Batiatus plots revenge Season 1 Extras. Others Also Watched View All. Tim Foley as Hector — a guard in Batiatus' villa. Greg Ward as Mercato — a Roman noble who procures gladiators for the arena in Capua.
She is also the wife of former Magistrate, Sextus. Matt Gillanders as Marcellus — a Romen slave trader within Capua. Matthew Chamberlain as Ovidius — a Roman merchant and business rival of Batiatus. Mark Mitchinson as Aulus — a Roman henchman who serves Batiatus. Sarah Holder as Thessela — Greek body slave of Ilithyia. Kyle Rowling as Drenis — a Thracian warrior who is part of the auxiliary with Spartacus under the command of Gaius Claudius Glaber in order to wipe out the Getae.
Kyle Pryor as Marcus — a Roman gladiator trainee and part of Spartacus ' recruitment group. Thomas Kiwi as Pericles — a Greek gladiator from Pompeii. He is known famously as the "Titan of Pompeii". Jon Brazier as Ramel — a Roman jewlery merchant in Capua. Kevin J. He is also the husband of Aemilia. Stephen Butterworth as Trebius — a Roman slaver opperating within Capua.
Mike Edward as Segovax — a Gaul gladiator trainee under Ilithyia's patronage. He craves freedom and willing to do anything to achieve it. Steven Smith as Recruit 4 — a Sardinian gladiator trainee who dreams about becoming a legend in the arena.
Andrew B. Stehlin as Rabanus — a Sardinian gladiator in the House of Batiatus. Nigel Willoughby as Euclid — a slave in the House of Batiatus serving as the cook for the gladiators. Raicho Vasilev as Ixion — a vicious fighter in The Pit who wears the faces of those he kills.