Should i update to homebrew 1.0.8

To add text to an application in the Homebrew Channel, do the following: note: you may install the Open Shop Channel and download pre-formatted apps without performing this step for every app. A: No, but this is the easiest way. In order to make icons for the Homebrew Channel show up, they must be in. The full alpha channel can be used. Copy it into the folder of the application under the name "icon. Note: it is by no means a complete list. After you have installed the apps on your SD card, its folder structure should look something like this:.

If you have any problems having your Applications showing up on the 'HBC', make sure you are following the correct format. You can use to navigate though the app list. Removing the channel can be done by simply deleting it with the channel management in the System Menu , or with the uninstall button in the HackMii Installer. The Homebrew Channel requires that your system has at least one unpatched IOS in order to guarantee reliable performance; fail0verflow has received too many bug reports that were later traced to misbehaving versions of IOS.

The HackMii Installer will automatically choose an appropriate unpatched IOS to use when installing the Homebrew Channel; if you attempt to defeat this safety measure by replacing its IOS with a corrupted version, you may experience an "impaired HBC experience" an upside-down screen or a warning message at every startup.

Please just don't do it. As of 1. The images and fonts are stored in a theme. The homebrew channel should have its own save data, just delete it and that will remove the theme. For a theme database and a "How to install" guide, check this page. Once it is installed, change repository to Homebrew Channel Themes. Further details on this can be found at Hackmii. Now I got another wii virgin 3. I used bannerbomb v1 to install HBC v1.

Is that a bug? I thought, boot2 v4 which came with the 4. Or do I have any misunderstanding for boot2? Its it possible to use it so Wii can play H. Someone has ripped the code off your bootmii site and made a translated copy. The HackMii Installer is hosted there. Wii noob here. I purchased my wii back in 07, never really play it much. Can you guys recommend a reliable source for getting information, and the proper way to jailbreak it?

Is it possible to fix this issue? You must log in to post a comment. HackMii Notes from inside your Wii. You thought HBC was dead? The new renderer uses FreeType to render fonts with kerning and antialiasing, which looks much, much better than the old crummy bitmap font engine. You can use multiple fonts, sizes, and colors, under the control of a theme.

The rendering is optimized for the screen resolution in use or for the best quality note: this means the fonts will look a bit different between both modes, as they are hinted at different resolutions. The new default font is Droid Sans. Unicode UTF-8 support. However, to enable it, you need to install a theme with a Japanese capable font.

Check out the themes page to get it. While adding the new font engine we also fixed a bunch of underlying issues. The meta. Does the Wiimote support in the linux kernel use the correct commands?

I really appreciate the effort, and the new features sound great. I reverted back to the previous version of HBC and the apps launch instantly. The new font renderer looks really nice. Thank you guys for all the hard work. Hi, everybody: There is an issue here to the new version of HBC. Or it just the bug in HBC. I'm just not sure how to contact you guys any other way. That would be a link to an xml file hosted on the app's own project website containing the latest version number.

When an app is run, that remote file is checked by the homebrew channel. If it's the latest version, the app runs. If it isn't, the hbc prompts the user to download whatever's linked to in the remote xml file, be it a new. This could help lots of people stay up-to-date as many homebrew project updates are buried within pages and pages of some random forum on a website somewhere.

This could encourage homebrew authors to set up some kind of 'real' hosting somewhere to ensure consistent access to the latest versions of their work. A: We have some plans for functionality along these lines -- stay tuned.

In the mean time, try the Homebrew Browser. A: There are certainly plans for that, but it's not our top priority right now. Q: How do I write an app for the homebrew channel? What do I need to do to start creating the app? Is there anything different while making the actual game? How do I compile into an.

A: Look at Getting Started with devkitppc to get started with compiling apps. Development Tools has some libraries, I suggest libwiisprite. Q: My homebrew channel used to work, but now when i start it up it says its reading the SD card and it suddenly changes to code and says code dump and a long string of numbers.

Everything else is normal though. What's wrong? A2: This would point towards a bad meta. Q: Have you guys been working on any way to get a keyboard working with the Homebrew Channel?

The way I see it is that you have two ways of doing it. I just figured it would help with some of the games like Tyrian where you need to type in order to save. A: There is no dependence between the Homebrew Channel and the applications it launches. Device support has to be included with the applications themselves. Q: Would it be possible, if you get a keyboard working for HBC, to create a compiler, so you can just compile and run the apps, without ever leaving your Wii?

A: Not likely. Embedded systems are generally not used to compile code for themselves. This isn't for the feint of heart; i. When I boot up a homebrew with The Homebrew Channel, it reverts to interlaced output, so I can't see anything. Would it be possible, at some point, for The Homebrew Channel to force an application to take up p, or is that going to rest entirely on the application?

A: It is up to the individual application to set the correct video mode. Q: is there a tutorial to follow for those that have already hacked their Wii before but as a result of a system update lost their hack?

Why is the Homebrew Channel TruchaSigned? So, we fakesign it using the strncmp flaw aka "Trucha Signing". That's just the way the system works. Q: With the coming ability to store WiiWare and Virtual Console gmaes straight to the SD card, it would be nice to run the homebrew channel off a usb disk. Q: I recently downloaded the Homebrew channel and twilight hack, and some apps. However, on the HBC, the apps are displayed, but when I click one, it says its not a valid wii app.

It is HBC version 1. Also, I have system menue 3. I've been using the twilight hack to load anything at the moment, but I obviosly can't do any cheats with ocarina on TP. Should I update to 3. User: Ocarina of time Q: I would like to keep the kids out of the Homebrew Channel, there is lots of stuff in there they could mess with and not have any clue what they are doing and possibly mess something up.

Being able to set a parental controls rating higher than they would need access to would allow me to keep them out of there but still be able to access all the other stuff. I don't know how the Age Rating could be inserted into a channel But there is also a manual way: remove the SD card, put it somewhere safe where the kids couldn't reach it and they can't destroy your Wii : -- Drag0nflamez , 30 May UTC.

Q: I begin to have a lot of application on my homebrew channel and I would like to be able to make a folder game, a folder media It don't works if we do it simply but perhaps a special xml in the folder can do it works. Q: Would it be possible to download a boot. I have bannerbomb ok, but thet don't want to install ie as a channel. Is it possible to put on a boot. I want it to be portable. I'm running Wii 4. Any help, I'd thank you. Q: Since it's a very comfortable way to see installed apps, it would be nice to choose mosaic style by default.

Amazing update, however quick question about the new view. Is there any way to default the HBC to the new view? As of right now I switch to the new view pressing 2 yet it defaults back to the old view ever time I boot up HBC. Not a big deal but would be nice. Hello, since 1. Very disapointing. How to get back to 1. I think the HBC should have music in the main menu and a sfx when you pop a bubble your own Mp3's or the same music you get when you load the channel would be fine -- Aujakev , 3 June UTC.

I agree. That would be interesting. A lot less boring. I would say some light background music think Snes 9x or the actual wii menu would be nice. I also think a bubble sound would be sweet, but ONLY when your in bubble popping mode, if it made a sound for every bubble popped while using the real menu I'd go insane! This isn't a question or a bug, so I'm putting it here.

Homebrews can range from white wheat ales to the blackest of stouts, but if your homebrew is blue, you've done something very wrong. What's the font for the Homebrew Channel's banner? I want it for a set of app icons I'm making.

Krazykevin , 13 August UTC. It's a commercial font though unfortunately so I can't share it. Whats the name of that app youre making?? Adamdmasi , 8 November UTC. I know one of the icons tells you if your connected to the internet, but what does the other icon do? It looks like a hand banana on my small 25 inch tv. It shows if a USB-Gecko connection is active. I think that the Homebrew Channel is region free.

Is it just me, or should't each word in "the homebrew channel" begin with an upper-case letter like all the official Nintendo channels? I don't have an SD card so I load most of the applications using wiiload.

Having an USB key I put all the homebrew applications on that key and I use wiiload to get Loadmii working inside the homebrew channel. This allows me after to run everything from USB.

The update for this breaks preloader's ability to boot into HBC. I don't know to revert to an older version, wait for the -now unmaintained- preloader to be updated or what. My wireless has always given me trouble, and I would frequently use the reload option on the HBC to enable wiiloading. In the new version, however, there is no option to reload the HBC without completely restarting the Wii.

Remember that the 1 button is no longer the reconnect button If in the next update you were to add the reload option back, this would be very helpful to me.

Toagac , 11 November UTC. That way the wii will boot directly to my emulater, but when I need to run other Homebrew or maybe even go to the system menu, I would just start the wii to HBC without the SD card containing that app inserted. Size 0 didn't match expected size. Then it tries to mount the USB device and comes up with the same thing and keeps doing that until I shut off the channel.

Anyone help me with this? I finally got the internet back and I think my Wii automatically updated the Nintendo software. Has anyone else seen this problem? I had the HBC a little while ago, and recenly i updated the HBC through wii, because some game that i downloaded are too new, and it wouldnt work with my soft chip.

I formatted my Wii twice, did the same with SD card, tried two different sources and it still doesn't work for me. Any advice? How often we open an app to read about, go back or delete it? I guess, in most of the case, we just select an app to press load.

Is it possible to add an option "Auto load the selected application"? When the option is checked then pressing "A" key should instantly load the selected app. And have another button e.

Is there or will there be a way to fix the IOS? This would be good. I've installed the HomeBrew Channel awhile back. I was playing one of my games on the Wii and it suddenly it stops working with an error message. So I try the game again and it still didn't work. I then tried other games along with Gamecube games and I was still getting error messages. I deleted the HomeBrew Channel to see if that might help, but it still didn't work.


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