Shingles vaccine how does it work
The research found that Shingrix stimulates the immune system to produce more antibodies and generates a fold increase in T cells over Zostavax. While Shingrix offers protection for up to four years, Cunningham believes its effects will last much longer, and that the second dose is important to ensure long-term protection. We are now measuring the efficacy of the vaccine over the next 10 years and are very optimistic about the results.
Virtually all people over the age of 40 have had chickenpox and are at risk of developing shingles and its associated complications like postherpetic neuralgia PHN. Statistics show that approximately half of the population will develop shingles by age Cohen also wants people to be aware that the vaccine can leave them with a sore arm or flu-like symptoms for several days following each shot.
Nonetheless, it is very important to get the second shot, as the vaccine requires both shots to work. The short-term discomfort is well worth the long-term gains in prevention. The easiest way to obtain the Shingrix vaccine, if your doctor does not have it, she says, is to go straight to your local hospital or chain pharmacy. Pharmacists are well trained to administer these shots.
To increase vaccinations and overall awareness of shingles, Dr. Once you get the vaccine, you are more likely to experience fatigue, achy muscles, fever, shivering or upset stomach compared to the older vaccine.
Approximately 11 percent of people who get the vaccine reported these flu-like symptoms and another nine percent reported mild pain, redness, and swelling at the site of the injection. These symptoms are more likely to occur after the second dose and typically resolve in a few days. Shingrix represents a real opportunity to protect ourselves against a debilitating disease with remarkable and long-lasting effectiveness.
Speak with your Methodist Physicians Clinic primary care provider about being vaccinated. A child of a military family, internal medicine physician Dr. Shana Peper was raised to be selfless and do whatever she could to help others. Skip to main content. Close Alert. What is shingles? How does the new vaccine work? What can I expect after getting the vaccine? Read more information about the shingles vaccine. About the Author A child of a military family, internal medicine physician Dr.
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