Power ridges invisalign what is it
Another issue that can interfere with levelling of the lower Curve of Spee is software-related. All SmartForce features, optimized rotation attachments being one of them, have built-in protocols that place the attachments at certain clinical thresholds.
But what happens when you need premolar anchorage to level the lower Curve of Spee? The smaller optimized rotation attachments are not retentive enough to support the intrusion of the lower incisors. When this situation arises, I use 3D controls in ClinCheck Pro to trash the optimized rotation attachments, and substitute the 4 mm wide occlusally beveled rectangular attachments described in Commandment 1.
Typically, the larger attachments are more than adequate to gain the desired rotation. If, after the bite has been opened, there is still the need for additional rotation of the premolars, I will allow the placement of optimized rotation attachments during refinement.
Figure 2: A side effect of adding palatal root torque is slippage of the aligner off the anterior teeth.
Another SmartForce feature is power ridges. Power ridges are designed to place torque on upper and lower incisors. I have encountered a performance issue when there are four power ridges on the upper anterior teeth in situations where I want to add palatal root torque PRT. A side effect of the torquing force tends to make the aligners slip off the anterior teeth, as depicted in Figure 2.
When this situation arises, the aligners do not fully engage the anterior teeth and the torque will not express. Unfortunately, the software will not allow the placement of a retentive attachment on the same tooth as a power ridge. My solution for this problem is to prescribe the desired palatal root torque, but I ask my technician to delete the power ridges and add 3 mm wide gingivally beveled rectangular attachments to keep the aligners fully engaged on the teeth Figure 3. Try it! Top Story.
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To preserve your investment, Braces Haven will have a set of Invisalign retainers made for you to wear usually at night and keep your smile in its current alignment. With Invisalign clear braces, some patients may still need to use elastics rubber bands to properly align their teeth. For instance, if the upper and lower jaws do not meet together properly, it can prevent the teeth from chewing efficiently and damage your smile. Using elastics helps to make bigger changes in your overall bite, but not everyone needs them.
Instead, Invisalign buttons will be bonded to a few teeth for the elastics to attach to. They help your teeth move faster and are an integral part of your treatment. Your elastics can be clear as well.
The extra force moves your tooth from a different angle than what it would get just wearing a standard tray without power ridges. Ottawa Invisalign patients with an overjet or overbite — where the front teeth do not meet together properly — may need an extra level of guidance for their bite when the jaws close together.
What to expect. The thinnest appliance, which applies the lightest force, is used initially. The needed tooth movements for the stage are then completed using the latter two aligners, each of which is thicker and thus delivers a greater force. That may seem tiny. But after a whole series of aligners has been worn 10, 20, possibly even 30 or more , the total amount of tooth movement that can be accomplished can be quite substantial.
Plastic tooth aligners accomplish their goals using the same basic orthodontic approaches that dentists have always used. The idea is that this added bump provides an anchor point a handle of sorts. One that helps to direct the forces of the aligner more effectively and predictably to the tooth. This is possible in part due to the outline shape they give their aligners.
This link discuss the issue of attachments and buttons Examples. Placing attachments is simple. Your dentist will try to pick a color of composite that matches your teeth as closely as possible. They may even ask for your opinion about the match. Generally speaking, even if some of your teeth have had some type of dental restoration placed like a crown, veneer or filling , your dentist should still be able to bond an attachment to them.
Although, some types of restorations can pose more of a challenge than others. Our affiliate links can be used to shop Invisalign accessories on Amazon. But for some, it does have to be said that there can be certain aspects of having them that can be annoying, or even painful. For example:.
The skin they irritate should toughen up as days and weeks pass. When your aligners are out, orthodontic wax can be mounded around your most irritating attachments so to give them smoother contours. All attachments are placed for a reason. And if you have one come off, you should let your dentist know immediately so they can make plans with you to replace it. If one is lost, your aligner may not be able to accomplish the task it was designed to do.
As examples:. The plastic of the aligner is trimmed to provide hook shape for the band to fit over an elastic hook. Just as with attachments, buttons and elastics are used to assist the dentist in creating tooth movements that the aligners, on their own, would otherwise have difficulty making. Your dentist will be able to tell you, before your treatment is begun, if buttons and elastics will be required. They are bonded onto your teeth using a simple process that requires no anesthetic.
Full menu for topic: Orthodontic Treatment. Malik OH, et al. Invisible orthodontics Part 1: Invisalign. Dental Update.